devyn barrie


Operating Systems

One of the most fascinating topics I have learned about recently in my computer technologies course are operating systems. It really took this course to make me think about things I would have taken for granted before. One example is, I wondered: wait, how does a computer even restart itself? Read more...

Personality differences

People vary wildly in they ways they accomplish simple things. Sometimes, it makes you wonder what it says about their personality. My friends put ketchup next to their fries, whereas I drizzle it on top of the fries and tackle them with a fork. My boss is a practitioner of the good ol’ put-the-whole-email-in-the-subject-line. Read more...

Ottawa Citizen feature

writing, tech.
I recently worked on a freelance feature for the Ottawa Citizen, about how artificial intelligence is being developed and used in Ottawa. It was published on April 13, 2019 in their Saturday Observer and also made the front page in print. Check it out here. I also wrote a supplementary piece about whether we’re all going to die at the hands of AI. Read more...

Some personal news…

For six months now, I’ve been doing double duty in my local blogging activities. In addition to editing, I also took over for my friend Glen Gower, who ran (successfully) for city council. With the election behind us, it was time to re-evaluate and I’m thrilled to share the result of the last month or so of work. Read more...
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